Who We Are

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Disciples of Jesus Christ

As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we understand that God has a purpose for the church (His people) to live our belief in Christ with one another. 

CBC Mission



We seek to follow the two great commands in the Bible by loving God completely and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Mark 12:30-31



We desire to grow in unity as we support and encourage one another while maturing in wisdom and understanding of God and His will.

Psalm 133:1



God sends us to build relationships for service and for sharing the gospel.

Matthew 28:19-20


In seeking to accomplish our mission, our vision has four components:


Our worship focuses on the holiness, majesty, and sovereignty of God.

  • Preaching and teaching includes verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible.
  • Music is theologically sound and appropriately reverent in uniting text and tune.

Philippians 4:1-5
Colossians 3:16-17

Staff and Leadership

Staff and Leadership

Our staff and other leaders equip the saints for ministry for the work of the church which includes:

  • Edification
  • Evangelism
  • Missions

Ephesians 4:11-13
Matthew 28:18-22



Our emphasis on evangelistic missions involving the entire congregation building relationships for serving and sharing the gospel:

  • Locally
  • Globally
  • In Church Planting

Our Missions Ministry is founded in scripture and surrounded by prayer.

Matthew 28:18-20

Salt and Light

Salt and Light

Our church is engaged with prevailing cultural issues, confronting the culture with Christian alternatives to social evils, thus becoming salt and light to the culture by:

  • Considering and embracing biblical principles
  • Offering loving redemptive biblical remedies that confront the culture misaligned with God's holy word

Matthew 5:13-16

What We Believe

We believe the Bible is God’s sole inspired revelation to humanity that guides our faith and practice. Sin (evil) entered God ’s creation through disobedience, but salvation from sin comes through faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone. The church looks forward to Jesus’ second coming when he will judge all humanity. For more details download the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 below.

Baptist Faith and Message

Select The Foundation of Christ Baptist Church document to learn more about the following:

  • Statement of Faith
  • Core Values
  • Core Practices
  • Core Beliefs
Foundation of Christ Baptist Church


Prayer is the foundation of everything we do. We embrace Philippians 4:6 in knowing that in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we must let our requests be made known to God.

"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." Isaiah 56:7

Request prayer or find out about opportunities to pray.
